AVL search tree update

Quido is developing a search engine which will manipulate millions of items in a relatively constrained memory space. To demonstrate the effectivity of his solution he is going to prepare a limited demo version which solves the task described bellow.

Denote by key(x) the value of the key of stored in a node x in an unempty AVL tree.
Define the left order of the node x as the number of nodes in the AVL tree which key value is smaller than key(x).
Operation Update(x, h) consists of two steps: In the first step, the node x is removed from the AVL tree by standard operation Delete. In the second step, if the AVL tree does not contain a node with key h than a new node with key h is inserted into the AVL tree by standard operation Insert.

To specify the task unambiguously, Quido follows the rules:

The demo version generates a sequence of AVL trees (T1, T2, ..., TK), K > 0, the sizes of these AVL trees are denoted (in this order) by the symbols N1, N2, ..., NK.
The AVL tree T1 is a balanced tree which depth is minimum possible and which contains all integer keys from the set {N, N+1, N+2, ..., N+2D − 2}, where N and D are positive integers. Note that N1 = 2D − 1.

Let A, B, M be fixed positive integers. The AVL tree Tk+1 (k = 1, 2, ..., K−1) is obtained by modifying the AVL tree Tk with one operation Update:


Image 1. Example of an AVL tree before and after the operation Update(x, 4), the left order of x is 9. The left orders are written in a box at their respective nodes. The deleted and the inserted node are highlighted. Note the change of the left order of some other nodes.

The task

To check Quido's implementation we have to calculate the value of NK, the depth of TK and the number of those nodes in TK which depth is equal to the depth of TK.


The input contains one text line with six positive integers K, N, D, A, B, M, separated by spaces. The meaning of the integers is described in the text above.
The value of K does not exceed 106, the value of D does not exceed 23, all other input values do not exceed 107.


The otuput contains one text line with tree integers separated by spaces. The first integer is equal to NK, the second one is equal to the depth of TK and the third one is equal to the number of those nodes in TK which depth is equal to the depth of TK.
Let us remind you that the depth of the tree root is 0. You may suppose that the AVL tree's T1, T2, ..., TK are unempty.

Example 1

5 8 3 1 1 10
6 2 3
The shape and the keys of the AVL tree T5 are depicted bellow.
  ____[3]____       [13]____
 [0]      [10]           [14]

Example 2

10 2 4 2 3 5
9 3 2
The shape and the keys of the AVL tree T10 are depicted bellow.
 ____[2]_____         ____[14]___
[0]      ___[4]      [12]      [15]___
        [3]                        [16]

Example 3

100100 3 17 23233 2342 14301
33752 16 79

Public data

The public data set is intended for easier debugging and approximate program correctness checking. The public data set is stored also in the upload system and each time a student submits a solution it is run on the public dataset and the program output to stdout and stderr is available to him/her.
Link to public data set