Minimum spanning tree in a graph with vertex potentials

Let G = (V, E, φ) be an undirected connected graph with the set of vertices V, set of edges E and a vertex potential function φ : V → ℕ0, assigning to each vertex u ∈ V a potential φ(u), which is a non-negative integer. For two vertices u, v of V, let d(u,v) denote their distance defined as the minimum length of a path from u to v where the length of a path is the number of its edges (note that d(u,u)=0 for each vertex u). Assume there is at least one vertex u' ∈ V such that φ(u') > 0. Define dmin(u) as the minimum distance from u to a vertex v with a nonzero potential, i.e. Define Dmin(u) as the set of vertices with nonzero potentials that are closest to u, i.e. Finally, define Φ(u) as the minimum potential of a vertex from Dmin(u), i.e. Based on the introduced functions, for each edge e = {u,v} ∈ E, define its weight wφ(e) as

Figure 1. An example of a graph with the set of vertices {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} and 13 edges. There are two vertices (4 and 6) with nonzero potentials highlighted in orange, and it holds φ(4)=1 and φ(6)=4. The green number attached to a vertex u equals dmin(u), while the red number equals Φ(u). These numbers determine edge weights (the black numbers assigned to edges). For example, w({2,3}) = dmin(2)+dmin(3)+|Φ(2) − Φ(3)| = 1+1+|4−1| = 5. The red edges show a minimum spanning tree with respect to the calculated weights.

The task

Given an undirected connected graph G = (V, E, φ) with vertex potentials such that there are no two vertices uv with the same nonzero potential (i.e., uv, φ(u) > 0 and φ(v) > 0 implies φ(u) ≠ φ(v)), and the number of vertices with nonzero potentials is at least 1 and at most 1+ |V, find a minimum spanning tree of the weighted graph G = (V, E, wφ).


All the input graphs are of the form G = (V, EF, φ) where (V, E) is a grid with 4-neighbourhood system and F is a set of extra edges such that FE = ∅. Assume the grid consists of R ≥ 2 rows and C ≥ 2 columns. Then, the set of vertices V consists of all pairs (r, c) where r=1,...,R and c=1,...,C. Let (r, c) ∈ V. If r > 1, then E contains an edge connecting (r, c) and (r−1, c). If r < R, then E contains {(r, c), (r+1, c)}. If c > 1, then E contains {(r, c), (r, c−1)}. Finally, if c < C, then E contains {(r, c), (r, c+1)}. In addition, for each vertex (r, c) ∈ V, the set of extra edges can contain at most one edge connecting (r, c) with a vertex which is not its grid neighbour.

The first input line contains four integers R, C, P and K, separated by spaces. R is the number of grid rows, C is the number of grid columns, P is the number of vertices with nonzero potentials, and K = |F| is the number of extra edges. P input lines representing the nonzero potentials follow. Each of these input lines contains three integers r, c and p, separated by spaces. The integers determine that vertex (r, c) is of potential p. Finally, there are K input lines representing the extra non-grid edges. Each of these lines contains four integers r1, c1, r2 and c2, separated by spaces, and representing an edge {(r1, c1), (r2, c2)}.
It holds R*C ≤ 4*105, 1 ≤ P ≤ 1+ R*C  and K ≤ 2000. In addition, each vertex potential is not greater than 104.


The output contains one line with one integer which equals the weight of a minimum spanning tree of G = (V, EF, wφ) where (V, EF, φ) is the input graph.

Example 1

2 2 2 0
1 2 4
2 1 5

Example 2

2 4 2 3
1 4 1
2 2 4
1 2 2 1
1 3 2 2
1 4 2 3

Example 3

3 4 3 2
2 1 8
2 2 4
3 3 7
3 4 3 2
3 3 2 4

The data and solution of Example 2 is isomorphic with the example in Figure 1.

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