Package kuimaze :: Module maze :: Class Maze
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Class Maze

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Maze class takes care of GUI and interaction functions.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, image, grad, node_rewards=None, path_costs=None, trans_probs=None, show_level=SHOW.FULL_MAZE, start_node=None, goal_nodes=None)
Parameters node_rewards, path_costs and trans_probs are meant for defining more complicated mazes.
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get_state_reward(self, state) source code
namedtuple state
Returns a start state
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close_gui(self) source code
set_node_utils(self, utils)
a visualisation method - sets an interal variable for displaying utilities
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is_goal_state(self, current_state)
Check whether a current_node is goal state or not
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is_danger_state(self, current_state) source code
Returns a list of goal nodes
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list of namedtuple weighted_state
Returns a list of all the problem states
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Returns dimensions of problem
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action from ACTION
get_actions(self, current_state)
Generate (yield) actions possible for the current_state It does not check the outcome this is left to the result method
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namedtuple state
result(self, current_state, action)
Apply the action and get the state; deterministic version
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list of tuples
get_next_states_and_probs(self, curr, action)
For the commanded action it generates all posiible outcomes with associated probabilities
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set_explored(self, states)
sets explored states list, preparation for visualisation
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set_probs(self, obey, confusionL, confusionR, confusion180) source code
set_probs_table(self, obey, confusionL, confusionR, confusion180) source code
set_visited(self, states)
sets seen states list, preparation for visualisation
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non_det_result(self, action) source code
__is_inside(self, current_state)
Check whether a state is inside a problem
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__is_inside_valid(self, current_state)
Check whether a state is inside a problem and is not a wall
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Clear player data for using with different player or running another find_path
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Clear player data for using with different player or running another find_path
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set_player(self, player)
Set player associated with this problem.
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show_and_break(self, drawed_nodes=None)
Main GUI function - call this from BaseAgent.find_path() to update GUI and break at this point to be able to step your actions.
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show_path(self, full_path)
Show resulting path_section given as a list of consecutive namedtuples path_section to show in GUI.
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set_show_level(self, show_level)
Set new show level.
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Set folder where the EPS files will be saved.
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Setup and draw basic GUI.
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__destroy_gui(self, unblock=True)
Safely destroy GUI.
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Renew GUI if a new player connects to a problem object.
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Just a simple callback for tkinter radiobuttons for selecting show level
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Clear path_section lines if running same player twice.
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__set_cell_color(self, current_node, color)
Set collor at position given by current position.
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save_as_eps(self, disabled)
Save canvas as color EPS - response for third button.
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__get_cell_center_coords(self, x, y)
Mapping from problem coordinates to GUI coordinates.
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__get_cell_center(self, x)
Mapping from problem coordinate to GUI coordinate, only one coord.
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__gui_update_map(self, explored_only=True)
Updating cell colors depending on what has been already explored.
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visualise(self, dictionary)
Update state rewards in GUI.
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__draw_text(self, current_node, string)
Draw text in the center of cells in the same manner as draw colors is done.
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Move text fields to the top layer of the canvas - to cover arrow :return:
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__draw_text_four(self, current_node, my_list)
Draw four text cells into one square
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__color_string_depth(self, color, x, y)
Method adjust color due to depth of square in maze :param color: color string in hexadecimal ...
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Sets data needed for rendering 3D ilusion :return: None
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __deltas = [[0,-1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1,-1], [1, 1], [...
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, image, grad, node_rewards=None, path_costs=None, trans_probs=None, show_level=SHOW.FULL_MAZE, start_node=None, goal_nodes=None)

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Parameters node_rewards, path_costs and trans_probs are meant for defining more complicated mazes. Parameter start_node redefines start state completely, parameter goal_nodes will add nodes to a list of goal nodes.

  • image (string) - path_section to an image file describing problem. Expects to find RGB image in given path_section

    white color - empty space

    black color - wall space

    red color - goal state

    blue color - start state

  • node_rewards (either string pointing to stored numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray itself or None for default value. Shape of numpy.ndarray must be (x, y) where (x, y) is shape of problem.) - optional setting of state rewards. If not set, or incorrect input, it will be set to default value - all nodes have reward of zero.
  • path_costs (either string pointing to stored numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray itself or None for default value. Shape of numpy.ndarray must be (x, y, 2) where (x, y) is shape of problem.) - optional setting of path_section costs. If not set, or incorrect input, it will be set to default value - all paths have cost of one.
  • trans_probs (either string pointing to stored numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray itself or None for default value. Shape of numpy.ndarray must be (x, y, 4, 4) where (x, y) is shape of problem.) - optional setting of transition probabilities for modelling MDP. If not set, or incorrect input, it will be set to default value - actions have probability of 1 for itself and 0 for any other.
  • show_level (kuimaze.SHOW) - Controlling level of displaying in GUI.
  • start_node (namedtuple state or None for default start state loaded from image.) - Redefining start state. Must be a valid state inside a problem without a wall.
  • goal_nodes (iterable of namedtuples state or None for default set of goal nodes loaded from image.) - Appending to a list of goal nodes. Must be valid nodes inside a problem without a wall.
  • AssertionError - When image is not RGB image or if show is not of type kuimaze.SHOW or if initialization didn't finish correctly.


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Returns a start state

Returns: namedtuple state
start state

set_node_utils(self, utils)

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a visualisation method - sets an interal variable for displaying utilities

  • utils - dictionary of utilities, indexed by tuple - state coordinates

is_goal_state(self, current_state)

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Check whether a current_node is goal state or not

Returns: boolean
True if state is a goal state, False otherwise


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Returns a list of goal nodes

Returns: list
list of goal nodes


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Returns a list of all the problem states

Returns: list of namedtuple weighted_state
list of all states


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Returns dimensions of problem

Returns: tuple
x and y dimensions of problem. Note that state indices are zero-based so if returned dimensions are (5, 5), state (5, 5) is not inside problem.

get_actions(self, current_state)

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Generate (yield) actions possible for the current_state It does not check the outcome this is left to the result method

  • current_state
Returns: action from ACTION
action (relevant for the problem - problem in this case)

result(self, current_state, action)

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Apply the action and get the state; deterministic version

Returns: namedtuple state
state (result of the action applied at the current_state)

get_next_states_and_probs(self, curr, action)

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For the commanded action it generates all posiible outcomes with associated probabilities

Returns: list of tuples
list of tuples (next_state, probability_of_ending_in_the_next_state)

set_explored(self, states)

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sets explored states list, preparation for visualisation

  • states - iterable of state

set_visited(self, states)

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sets seen states list, preparation for visualisation

  • states - iterable of state

__is_inside(self, current_state)

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Check whether a state is inside a problem

Returns: boolean
True if state is inside problem, False otherwise

__is_inside_valid(self, current_state)

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Check whether a state is inside a problem and is not a wall

Returns: boolean
True if state is inside problem and is not a wall, False otherwise

set_player(self, player)

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Set player associated with this problem.

  • player (BaseAgent or its descendant) - player to be used for association
  • AssertionError - if player is not instance of BaseAgent or its descendant

show_and_break(self, drawed_nodes=None)

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Main GUI function - call this from BaseAgent.find_path() to update GUI and break at this point to be able to step your actions. Example of its usage can be found at BaseAgent.find_path()

Don't use it too often as it is quite expensive and rendering after single exploration might be slowing your code down a lot.

You can optionally set parameter drawed_nodes to a list of lists of dimensions corresponding to dimensions of problem and if show_level is higher or equal to SHOW.NODE_REWARDS, it will plot those in state centers instead of state rewards. If this parameter is left unset, no redrawing of texts in center of nodes is issued, however, it can be set to True which will draw node_rewards saved in the problem.

If show_level is SHOW.NONE, thisets function has no effect

  • drawed_nodes (list of lists of the same dimensions as problem or boolean or None) - custom objects convertible to string to draw to center of nodes or True or None

show_path(self, full_path)

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Show resulting path_section given as a list of consecutive namedtuples path_section to show in GUI. Example of such usage can be found in BaseAgent.find_path()


set_show_level(self, show_level)

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Set new show level. It will redraw whole GUI, so it takes a while.

  • show_level (SHOW) - new show_level to set
  • AssertionError - if show_level is not an instance of SHOW


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Set folder where the EPS files will be saved.

  • folder (string with a valid path_section) - folder to save EPS files


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Setup and draw basic GUI. Imports tkinter.

__destroy_gui(self, unblock=True)

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Safely destroy GUI. It is possible to pass an argument whether to unblock find_path() method, by default it is unblocking.

  • unblock (boolean) - Whether to unblock find_path() method by calling this method

__set_cell_color(self, current_node, color)

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Set collor at position given by current position. Code inspired by old implementation of RPH Maze (predecessor of kuimaze)


__get_cell_center_coords(self, x, y)

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Mapping from problem coordinates to GUI coordinates.

  • x - x coord in problem
  • y - y coord in problem
(x, y) coordinates in GUI (centers of cells)

__get_cell_center(self, x)

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Mapping from problem coordinate to GUI coordinate, only one coord.

  • x - coord in problem (could be either x or y)
center of cell corresponding to such coordinate in GUI

__gui_update_map(self, explored_only=True)

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Updating cell colors depending on what has been already explored.

  • explored_only (boolean) - if True, update only explored position and leave unexplored black. if False, draw everything

visualise(self, dictionary)

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Update state rewards in GUI. If drawed_nodes is passed and is not None, it is expected to be list of lists of objects with string representation of same dimensions as the problem. Might fail on IndexError if passed list is smaller. if one of these objects in list is None, then no text is printed.

If drawed_nodes is None, then node_rewards saved in Maze objects are printed instead

  • drawed_nodes (list of lists of appropriate dimensions or None) - list of lists of objects to be printed in GUI instead of state rewards
  • IndexError - if drawed_nodes parameter doesn't match dimensions of problem

__draw_text(self, current_node, string)

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Draw text in the center of cells in the same manner as draw colors is done.

  • current_node (namedtuple state) - position on which the text is to be printed in Maze coordinates
  • string (string) - string to be drawn

__draw_text_four(self, current_node, my_list)

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Draw four text cells into one square

  • current_node - position on which the text is to be printed in Maze coordinates
  • my_list (list of floats or ints) - list to be drawn

__color_string_depth(self, color, x, y)

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Method adjust color due to depth of square in maze :param color: color string in hexadecimal ... for example "#FFF000000" for red :param x: index of square :param y: index of square :return: new color string

Class Variable Details [hide private]


[[0,-1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1,-1], [1, 1], [-1,-1], [-1, 1]]